Marlene Figueroa

The Board of Education approved Marlene Figueroa as the next principal of Hawthorne Elementary School on Wednesday, April 10, 2024.

Ms. Figueroa is a strong instructional leader with a sense of urgency.  She has high expectations for students and staff and values collaboration. She has strong communication skills with experience working with students at the elementary and middle school level. Ms. Figueroa demonstrates a growth mindset and has a student centered approach.  She is well organized, uses data to inform professional development and other school based decisions, and partners with parents to engage them within the school community.

In addition to living in the community, she has spent the majority of her career in various roles in the School District of Waukesha, starting as a dual language teacher at Banting, an ESL teacher/teacher leader, elementary literacy coach, and middle school instructional coach. She is very excited for this opportunity to serve Hawthorne.  She officially begins July 1, 2024.  Please welcome her back to SDW when you see her.